Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle”)

On 4 July, 2005, the Panel announced that it had set a deadline of 5.00 p.m. on 15 July, 2005 for Precinct Investments Limited (“Precinct”) either to announce an offer for Jurys Doyle under Rule 2.5 of the Takeover Rules or to announce that it will not proceed with an offer for Jurys Doyle.

Jurys Doyle and its advisers have now requested the Panel to grant an extension of the deadline for an announcement by Precinct as described above until 5.00 p.m. on 29 July, 2005, in order to provide time for the Jurys Doyle Board to consider fully the approach announced by Precinct on 13 July, 2005.  The Panel is satisfied that the extension is in the best interests of the shareholders of Jurys Doyle and accordingly has consented to the extension of the deadline for 14 days as requested.

15 July, 2005