Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle” ) The Panel has considered representations from the advisers to Jurys Doyle and to Aldersgate Investments Limited (“Aldersgate”) in relation to the application of Rule 2.8 of the Takeover Rules to Aldersgate. Rule 2.8 provides that except with the consent of the Panel, a person who makes a […]

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle” or the “Company”) On 12 August, 2005 Mr. Sean Dunne and DTC Construction Services Limited (“Mr. Dunne”) purchased 2,121,668 Jurys Doyle shares representing approximately 3.36% of the issued share capital of the Company.  Over the two days 23 and 24 August Mr. Dunne acquired a further 9,396,668 shares […]

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle”) On 29 July, 2005 the Panel announced that it had extended the deadline by which Precinct Investments Limited (“Precinct”) must either announce an offer for Jurys Doyle under Rule 2.5 of the Takeover Rules or announce that it will not proceed with an offer for Jurys Doyle to […]

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle”) On 15 July, 2005 the Panel announced that it had extended the deadline by which Precinct Investments Limited (“Precinct”) must either announce an offer for Jurys Doyle under Rule 2.5 of the Takeover Rules or announce that it will not proceed with an offer for Jurys Doyle to […]

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle”) On 4 July, 2005, the Panel announced that it had set a deadline of 5.00 p.m. on 15 July, 2005 for Precinct Investments Limited (“Precinct”) either to announce an offer for Jurys Doyle under Rule 2.5 of the Takeover Rules or to announce that it will not proceed […]

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle”) / Precinct Investments Limited (“Precinct”)  On 4 July, 2005 the Irish Takeover Panel (the “Panel”) announced that it had set 5.00 p.m. on 15 July, 2005 as the latest time for Precinct to either announce an offer for Jurys Doyle under Rule 2.5 of the Irish Takeover Rules […]

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc

Jurys Doyle Hotel Group plc (“Jurys Doyle”) On 9 May, 2005 Jurys Doyle announced that it had received an approach which may or may not lead to an offer for the company.  On 16 May Jurys Doyle announced that it had rejected the approach from Precinct Investments Limited (“Precinct”) at a proposed price of €15.25 […]