Gresham Hotel Group plc
Gresham Hotel Group plc (“Gresham”) On 14 November, 2003 Gresham announced that it had received an approach which may or may not lead to an offer for the company. On 22 December Gresham issued a second announcement confirming that further to its announcement on 14 November it had been in discussions with representatives of a […]
Gresham Hotel Group plc
Gresham Hotel Group plc (“Gresham”) On 22 December, 2003 Gresham announced that it has been in discussions with representatives of a Consortium (“the Consortium”) regarding an approach. Following representations made by Gresham and its advisers, and correspondence with the advisers to both the Consortium and Gresham, the Panel announced on 7 January, 2004 that it […]
Heiton Group plc
Heiton Group plc (“Heiton”) – Recommended Offers by Grafton Group Holdings Limited (“Grafton”) On 26 November, 2004 the Panel announced that it had agreed to a request for an extension under Rule 31.7(a) of the date by which all conditions of the ordinary share offer by Grafton (the “offer”) must be satisfied until 5.00 p.m. […]
Readymix plc
Readymix plc (“Readymix”) Rule 9.1 states inter alia that, except with the consent of the Panel, any person who acquires control (defined as a holding of securities that confers not less than 30% of the voting rights in a company) of a relevant company shall extend an offer (on the terms and conditions required by […]
Heiton Group plc
Heiton Group plc (“Heiton”) – Recommended Offers by Grafton Group Holdings Limited (“Grafton”) On 8 November, 2004 Grafton’s ordinary share offer (the “offer”) for Heiton became unconditional as to acceptances. Consequently, under Rule 31.7(a) the offer shall, except with the consent of the Panel, lapse unless all conditions of the offer are satisfied by 29 […]
Gresham Hotel Group plc
Gresham Hotel Group plc (“Gresham”) On 2 July, 2004 the Panel announced that pending the outcome of an offer by Precinct Investments Limited (“Precinct”) it had decided to adjourn a preliminary hearing which had been scheduled for the purpose of investigating whether a concert party existed in relation to certain shareholdings in Gresham. Following the […]
Heiton Group plc
Heiton Group plc (“Heiton”) Grafton Group plc (“Grafton”) Following representations made by Heiton and its advisors, and correspondence with the advisors to both Grafton and Heiton, the Panel ruled on 21 July, 2004 that, except with the consent of the Panel, Grafton must by 5.00 p.m. today either announce an offer for Heiton under Rule […]
Heiton Group plc
Heiton Group plc (“Heiton”) Grafton Group plc (“Grafton”) On 17 June 2004 Grafton announced that it had been in discussions with the Board of Heiton with regard to a possible offer for the entire issued share capital of Heiton. The announcement further stated that these discussions had culminated in a proposal to the Board of […]
Gresham Hotel Group plc
Gresham Hotel Group plc (“Gresham”) Following the announcement on 2 July, 2004 by Precinct Investments Limited of a revised offer of €1.40 per share for Gresham and the completion of irrevocables in favour of such revised offer from Red Sea Hotels Limited for their shares in Gresham, the Irish Takeover Panel has decided to adjourn […]
Gresham Hotel Group plc
Gresham Hotel Group plc (“Gresham”) The Irish Takeover Panel (the “Panel”) has decided to conduct a hearing under section 11 of the Irish Takeover Panel Act, 1997 (the ”Act”) for the purposes of further investigating whether Red Sea Hotels Limited and Whiterain International Limited, and/or parties acting in concert with them, are acting in concert […]