alphyra group plc

Panel Announcement alphyra group plc (“alphyra”) The Panel met on 17 and 18 February 2003 to consider a submission by the Federated Kaufmann Fund (“FKF”), a shareholder in alphyra, which raised certain issues in relation to the conduct of the offer by  Rendina Limited (“Rendina”) (“the submission”). The submission requested the Panel to suspend the […]

Arnotts plc

IRISH TAKEOVER PANEL Panel Announcement Arnotts plc (“Arnotts”) / Carrgran Limited (“Carrgran”) Following a request from Carrgran which was supported by the Board of Arnotts, the Panel consented on 17 January, 2003 to an extension of the deadline within which Carrgran was required to issue an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer […]

Arnotts plc

IRISH TAKEOVER PANEL Panel Announcement Arnotts plc (“Arnotts”) / Carrgran Limited (“Carrgran”)  Pursuant to a Panel ruling of 16 December, 2002, Carrgran was required by 17 January, 2003 to issue an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer for Arnotts or an announcement that it does not intend to make an offer in […]